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Daddy ape always gets attacked. The apes will gang up on the lead ape. They will attack by group. If the group defeats the daddy ape. The second in command will try to to be the main ape. He wasn’t the main ape for a reason. What will then happen is the main ape will return to its pack because they are dying. The only one who will challenge the main ape is the second in command. The group won’t help the second in command this time because he doesn’t posses the traits to provide for the gang of apes. The second in command alone is no match for the main ape. So he will fall back into place. The main stays in solitude. The rest of the apes will return for the main apes sympathy. After one group attack the main never sympathizes for the group again. He leads it with a cold fist. He will kill baby apes. Mother apes, other apes if the main ape thinks they are planning a attack.

It’s rumored along with a catcher in the rye and other Beatles songs Lennon whispering “shoot me” is what convinced Mark David Chapman to kill the Beatle front man “he wear no shoe shine. He shoot Coca Cola. He one holy roller. He got monkey finger. Sit in his arm chair you can feel his disease. Got to be good looking cause he’s so hard to see.” “Come Together” John Lennons depiction through lyric and song of the ultimate rebel.

Not long before his death Biggie was involved in a car accident. This put him in a wheelchair for a second. At his last concert he left his entourage in the back. Had one guy wheel him out on the stage before leaving him there alone. Biggie would rock all of Jamaica from a wheel chair. I know you reading my shit Kanye
Get it on!
The Doors recorded this song in a hotel bathroom while Morrison sat on a toilet with a 30 rack by his feet 👣 🦶
Did you ever hear the story of when Jim Morrison pulled his dick out to Janis Joplin backstage; so she put a Jack Daniel’s bottle over his head! Morrison loved the blues! Rock n Roll! Was to mainstream for the Prince of Rock n Roll 🪨 🥖 🤘 Doors got to a point they were so successful they were able to start selling their songs commercially. Not just by record but tv and commercials. Morrison hated this. This is why he loved th blues. He knew most people didn’t.
isnoopdogg Pandora Station pick of the Day
The real Casanova. Times are a changing. It is said Casanova slept with a minimal amount of the women of his time. However he is immortalized as the smoothest operator to ever do it.
Gene Simmons claims he has had sex with 1000 women
While Hernandez was in gang bangs and orgies this pre marital Catholic school boy nerd was getting his knob cleaned every morning afternoon and night. Ever girl in Florida was knocking on his door.
🌧️ 🌧️ ☔️ ⚡️ ⛈️
These video are now Forbidden you filthy animals!
Game of the night: Celtics 7-3 straight up in last ten 4-6 ats in last ten. Heat 5-5 straight up in last ten. 4-6 ats in last ten. Heat have to win another 16 games to go over their projected win/loss total. Celtics need another 28 wins for their win/loss total. Heat are a .500 team. Their record will balance out down the road ats. Celtics win big. 112-79
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Of course Kendrick Lamar was going to win at the Grammys. He’s doing the halftime show!
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NFL wants the chiefs. Eagles in trouble. It’s all about being better than Brady and Belichick! Brady never won three in a row! NFL wants to pass the goat trophy to mahomes. It’s a good story for sports. They want to forget Brady and belichicks legacy! Also only Michael Jordan won three in a row on two different teams dynasty’s. Sports wants the next Michael Jordan. Chiefs need three in a row. If chiefs win. It’s rumored Reid will retire. This also may be the end of mahomes’ greatness. Go patriots. In modern day football. It’s all about beating the patriots. Everyone wants to be better than Brady and Belichick. Never three in a row but 6 in the bag! Lastly, Goodell will be retiring soon. He hates the patriots. He wants the chiefs to reign! Chiefs 54-10
This song is Trending. It’s in a social media trend. It’s making a comeback on the billboard because of the trend.
Hendrix was not the first to play the star spangled banner and certainly not the last maybe not even the best. What makes Hendrix’s version so memorable is where he performed it and when. At Woodstock on the final day. When Hendrix performed close to 50% of the crowds had left. Musically. Hendrix would play a star spangled banner filled with guitar effects being used in a way long before its time. He would use his guitar and effects equipment to mimic crashing noises and bombs in a Vietnam war filled America. What a show to miss. Hendrix would also perform Woodstock with a post experience band of gypsys era of Hendrix.
Business Behavior Tip: Morning and afternoon! These two words will categorize the negative energy's from the positive energy's in the workplace. The negatives will attack it. The positives will respond positively to it. It's recognized as a dominant behavior on a consistent basis so you will by challenged by the employees who have an owner like state of mind instead of an employee state of mind. Morning! And afternoon! Will always be recognized as a positive attitude. Despite your attitude. Negative energy will drift away from positive. Negative will find comfort in negative. Positive attitude will conduct a more positive environment which is better for business.
Morning! And Afternoon!
Like everything else. The Bible has historians and theorists. Everyone knows the story of Judas. The apostle Of Jesus who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of Gold; When he told the guards where Jesus was staying in the Garden of Gethsamene. Guilt would later overtake him and Judas would hang himself. However there is a hidden Gospel of Judas. One the Bible and Catholics disregard. In the Gospel of Judas. It portrays Judas as Jesus’ most loyal disciple. In order to live out Gods plan for him. Jesus must be arrested and crucified. This comes to Jesus in a dream. the only way this can happen is if Jesus is found. So he asks Judas his favorite disciple to carry out this plan and go tell the guards where he is. Jesus tells Judas he will be hated for eternity by man but he will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven. Which is why Judas follows Jesus initially. Judas lost his family and wants to find them in eternal life.
“And God said “Let there be light!” And there was light!” Genesis 1:3
Before Dre and cube were Rap Royalty. There was NWA. Before NWA was NWA they were just a rap group trying to buy recording time. At the time hip hop was still 80s style. Grand master flash and Run DMC. so gangster rap wasn’t a club favorite. People wanted to dance. “Krush Groovin! Body movin” kinda stuff. So what Dre and Cube did was they went and found the only guy they knew with enough cash to buy them recording time. Their coke dealing friend. Eazy Mother Fucking E! In return Dre would drop him a beat. Cube a line! “Rolling down the street in my 6-4!”
Towards the end of his life Tupac was overwhelmed by gang life. A life he tried to escape. When he signed with Death Row and Suge Knight in order to have his bail posted he was also signing in to a hostile death row environment. This led to Dre and Snoops Exit. Tupac would eventually join Suge Knights gang “mob” whether he did this willingly or he felt like he had to since he was a part of the label he was in contract with is unknown. “Unconditional Love” is a song found on only his greatest hits. Songs he recorded close to his death that weren’t on his final cd releases. Unconditional love is terminology used in gang life. “We offer unconditional love” despite being a heartfelt greatest hit ballad and personal favorite for Tupac fans. The songs title and lyrics portray the influence Suge Knight and real gang life atmosphere was weighing on Tupac. Another myth of a legend signing a deal with the Devil. All eyez me would be Tupac’s best selling album after a long career of successful records and he would pay the ultimate price for it.
I still think the wagon crashed and the postcards were fake
“Do? We gonna go to war! We gonna eat that Sosa for Breakfast!”
Partnering with Ronald McDonald House. is donating .25 for every shake sold to Families with Sick Children. Thirty Minute Delivery! Anywhere!
“The morning sun in your face. Really shows your age; but that don’t worry me none. In my eyes your everything.”
NYE Show
Before the wolf of Wall Street. Casino held the record with 422 F 💣
At the end of the Scarface when Montana goes to war with Sosa. Sosa’s men invade the house so easily. The gates were open. The windows and Doors unlocked. This is because this was Scarface’s way of showing Sosa and the guys in his gang he wasn’t scared enough to lock up.